
We Protect Your Data

Fingerprinting provides secure, efficient employee access control without fobs or cards. This offers enhanced workplace security with significantly reduced theft, fraud and misuse risk.

  • Secure Authentication
  • No Fobs Or Cards
  • Fast, Reliable Access
  • Reduced Theft & Misuse

Biometric Access Control

  • Comprehensive Data Tracking
  • Easy Integration With HR Systems
  • Scalable As Businesses Grow
  • Prevent Unauthorized Entry
  • Individual Fingerprint Profiles
  • Paperless & Plastic-Free

How Fingerprinting Helps You

Biometric fingerprint systems authenticate individuals by electronically scanning, analysing, recording, and reporting their unique fingerprint features.

  • Scans unique fingerprint ridges and valleys
  • Compares fingerprints with stored data for authentication
  • Provides secure, efficient and fast identity verification

Seamless Access Experiences

Biometric fingerprint systems streamline employee entry and access experiences, preventing unauthorised access while allowing approved staff to work efficiently.

  • Quick And Convenient Access For Authorised Staff
  • Enhanced Security With Unique Biometric Data
  • Eliminates The Need For Physical Keys Or Cards

The Benefits Of Fingerprint Identification

  • Security: Strictly Controlled Access To Sensitive And Secure Locations.
  • Convenience: Employees No Longer Need Physical Keys, Fobs Or Cards.
  • Efficiency: Fast & Easy Entry With A Single Biometric Fingerprint Scan.
  • Accuracy: Precise Tracking, Log Entry & Exit Times.
  • Sustainability: Reduced Plastic & Paper Use.
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