Reduce Absenteeism With Absence Management Software


There’s no denying that absenteeism is bad for business, costing workplaces up to 16% of annual salary bills. But without the right resources, how do you not only tackle absenteeism, but keep track of it in the first place?

That’s where absence management software comes in. By properly keeping track of absences, giving employees more opportunities to choose their own schedules, and taking control of frequent absences when they occur, you’ll enjoy a more productive workplace.

Let’s get into how investing in absence management software and clocking systems can revolutionise your workplace.

1. Keep Track of Absenteeism

It’s much harder to tackle absenteeism when you can’t keep track of it in the first place. Using absence management software will allow you to spot when employees aren’t at work and identify patterns of behaviour or particular employees who are absent frequently.

2. Explore Lateness Analysis

While employees not turning up to work has a big impact, lateness is often overlooked for its contribution to productivity issues. When workers arrive late to a shift, it pushes the whole production back, having knock-on effects on the team at large.

By using an app that allows workers to clock in for their shifts, you’ll keep better track of who is and who isn’t turning up on time to work. By monitoring timekeeping, you can take measures to address lateness when and where necessary.

3. Use Bradford Factor Reporting

The Bradford Factor is a concept used in human resource management which asserts that short, frequent, and unplanned absences can actually be more disruptive to a business than longer absences. This formula can be used to assess how frequent absences affect the company, and it’s handily built into the reporting system for Computime.

4. Empower Employees

When employees can’t choose a work pattern that best aligns with their availability, the risk of absenteeism increases. Employees can be tempted to take time off as ‘sickness’ that’s actually for a holiday or other event if their last-minute time-off request is rejected.

With employee self-service absence management software, workers can request their holidays with just a few clicks, making them more likely to book annual leave with plenty of notice. This way, it’s much easier to rearrange shift patterns around employees taking time off. Plus, employees will feel more empowered to choose shifts for themselves, therefore boosting employee engagement in the long run.

5. Boost Productivity

One reason behind absenteeism can be a lack of employee engagement. When workers don’t feel motivated by the opportunities and challenges presented by a workplace, they’ll find more reasons not to turn up in the morning. You see this often when employees feel a significant chunk of their time is being wasted, for example, at irrelevant meetings.

Identifying how employees use their team can help them become more effective workers. If team members feel they’re not reaching their full potential, identifying time-wasting tasks can be a lifesaver. Absence management software makes this easier than ever with in-depth reporting on how time is used during the workday.

Using Computime, employees can log time used for specific tasks and projects, keeping track of where they’re losing valuable time or could make their workday more efficient.

6. Keep Track of Remote Employees

When your workforce is hybrid or even entirely remote, keeping track of your employees’ time can seem impossible. Luckily, Computime has an option to allow workers to clock in remotely, allowing you to track start and finish times, lateness, and days off.

If you’ve been nervous about losing control as a result of remote working, this remote clock-in option can put your mind at ease, helping you monitor absenteeism even when your employees aren’t physically present.

7. Use Return-to-Work Forms

Return-to-work forms can help your employee settle back into their tasks and projects after a period of absence, but using the old-fashioned paper ones can feel a little clunky.

With absence management software that allows for clocking systems to monitor absences, return-to-work forms and notifications are available in-app, making it easier than ever for employees to integrate back into the workforce.

Clocking Systems: The Secret to Reduced Absenteeism

Return-to-work forms can help your employee settle back into their tasks and projects after a period of absence, but using the old-fashioned paper ones can feel a little clunky.

With absence management software that allows for clocking systems to monitor absences, return-to-work forms and notifications are available in-app, making it easier than ever for employees to integrate back into the workforce.
Clocking Systems: The Secret to Reduced Absenteeism
If you’re struggling with absenteeism or simply want to keep better track of your employees’ attendance, using clocking systems is the best way to do so. Whether from the office or remote working space, workers can clock in for their shifts, automatically keeping track of absences, lateness, and working hours.

You can empower employees to take better control of their time, too, with options for self-service scheduling that will make your team more likely to show up from work.

Enjoy all of these features and more with the ultimate absence management software, Computime. This GPS-enabled app allows you to wave goodbye to old-fashioned paper timesheets and say hello to a new, more efficient way of tracking employee hours.

The best part? You’ll save your HR team hours of work!

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